was time to pack.
It was an amazing process. Kyle packed, unpacked, repacked, decided he needed more luggage, repacked again, shoved, rearranged, sat on luggage to close it, removed a few items, and it was all over the family room for two days.
Monday we spent the day visiting the beach (not in the water though!!) and hanging out with Kyle. He packed the last few items. We had our last family home evening with him here. And as he always does, my sweet husband took time to give Kyle a blessing. It was a bitter-sweet evening.
The Seminary class intended to fork our lawn the night before Kyle left. It was raining, so they forked the flower bed instead! Here are a few of our favorite signs: Richard is Kyle's best friend!! And Sister Craig is the seminary teacher. What would the youth do without such fabulous seminary teachers??
New News: We have heard from Kyle. He is there and safe. He says our letter is in the mail when we will know more.
As a side note, Joshua (Kyle's younger brother) keeps asking if we will get on the computer and find out where he is going to serve his mission........Sweet!!