Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Still strugglin'...

This week was.....yeah I don't want to talk about it. My comp isn't talking to me cause he's mad at me, and he's mad at me because I didn't understand a rule and then I had broken it before and he didn't say anything so I thought I understood the rule, but then when I broke it again, he got mad at me and now he isn't talking to me. We had three baptisms this week. I can't even tell you who they are...well I kinda can, but I've only visited them twice, but apparently my comp and his previous companion taught them a lot, but I dont think one of them wanted to be baptized so it was difficult for me.  And pretty much life is just a whole lot of....nothing dad wants me writing to everyone....so...yeah...I really don't have anything else to say about our work.
We get to go buy food today! That will be nice.  I have a sweet idea for Christmas that I'm going to try and pull off. My Birthday is in a month. Happy thoughts. lol
Johnathan really isn't comming home for Christmas?  Well that's a whole lot of nothing dad wants me to write everyone....
So I really miss everyone too! =P And your pictures are in Ribeirão Preito right now so I'll get those when someone brings them to Franca. I have been writing a lot of cool things like poems and stories. And Elder Nelson and I have been debating a lot about comics. Pretty much we're at the conclusion that they need to redo the X-men series keeping Origins.  Batman was Epically amazzing, Ironman kicked trash, but we disagree about Spiderman.  We both liked the first one, but he thought that the third one had too many villans and I hated the emo crap they had in it. The second one I don't remember too well but he liked it and I remember not liking all of it, but I don't remember why....We talked mostly about X-men. Pretty much they needed to do character development better.  They need to remake the first one and make Sabertooth look like Wolverine and how he does in Origins, and as far as the others go they need to include the main characters that they excluded in the movies, namely Gambit, The Beast, Rouge needs a bigger part and they can't kill Sabertooth in the first movie, and only Wolverine has to be the one to kill Sabertooth, not Cyclopse.
You know what I really like---Mountains. And serving a mission is a lot like climbing a mountain. There are a lot of times when you just want to quit and go home. And life is hard and miserable.  But you keep climibing up because you know that once you get to the top, the sight and sense of accomplishment will make every cut and scratch, every fall and sharp rock worth every mile of it. So you drudge on one step at a time trying not to fall and trying to hold on.  Doing your best and climbing to hopefully accomplish something and the whole way up trying to sing a song or find something to laugh at to make the climb more enjoyable. But once you reach the top, you'll understand why you did it and you'll know it was all worth it and you'd do it all again, all just to get to the top.

I didn't tell you all my epiphany last week on elders! I must tell you all this! So I was thinking as I was sitting on the toilet, why is it that Elders go strait home and get married so quickly and the answer came.  Kyle, have you ever know a time in your life when you were happier being as miserable as you are now? No I don't believe I do. When you go home are you going to be misserable? No life will be good. In otherwords, when Elders come home, life is too perfect!  And over the course of the last two years they have come to associate misery with happiness. When they are miserably serving their missions they're happily passing the time away. So in thier minds they need problems to be happy. So they come home and when everything is just too perfect they turn to women so they can have problems again and when they find someone who creates a lot of problems then they marry her so that their problems can last and they can be miserably happy for the rest of their lives! =) Well that's the story of my life for this week and now I'm going to go fishing! Take it easy everyone.  Enjoy life and remember to have a good time!  Love you all! =) Peace out!
Elder Lund

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!! I like your hypothesis on post-mission marriages! Made me smirk & cackle as I was reading it XD
